Sunday, June 19, 2011


Chen Shijun most commonly known as Steven Chen is one of the innovative inventors of our very famous, very entertaining website known as Youtube. Along Chen, were two other employees at PayPal in which he was hired as programmer. There, Chen became good friends with Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim which would alter become part of his mastermind creation. Chen was actually was actually born Taipei, Taiwan on August, 1978. Chen's family  then moved to the United States when he was 8 years old in which they moved to Chicago. He then studied computer science at the University of Illinois. Chen was also part of the group of inventors that created Facebook but, he broke away from this group to start his own innovation which is Youtube. In 2005, the three associate workers founded Youtube which is an online website designed to share any type of videos. Chein is Chief Technology Officer. That same year Chen and Hurley sold Youtube to Google for a $1.65 billion stock. Growing up Chen was a a gifted student in school in his elementary years and intermidate and high school career. He held his first job at a nearby 7-11 and at a grocery store in during his teenage years. Chen is of Taiwanese- American background. Steven Chen has changed the meaning of cyber entertainment when it comes to sharing vieos from all corners of the world. Chen has created the most used, most famous video watching or uploadong program. Youtube is a worldwide website. Their famous slogan is Broadcast Yourself! Youtube has shaped American society by many factors such as : learning , and seeing new things from different countries and even within the United States, it is another way of communitcating with family members, for example a pair of sisters can post their nieces first steps on Youtube, it's also another form of entertainment and expressing yourself most importantly. Steven Chen inspired me in many ways. He started off as an ordinary migrant boy from a different country in seek for a better life style and future in which came reality due to his intelligence, a true gift  in which he applied throughout his elementary, intermediate, high school and college career which got him as far as basically being the CEO of a multimillion investment. H- harness: Chen was part of the group that came up with Facebook idea and decided to break apart from that group to come up with his own original idea which is Youtube. U- underestimate the roadblocks: Steven Chen unfortunately did not have the money, technical equipment, or people resources to bring about his Youtube team. N- network: Chen had his two associates that previously worked with him at PayPal, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. T- take the first step: Chen's first big step was selling Youtube to Google Inc., the biggest and most known online advertising engine. This makes lots of publicity for Chen's and his associates bright idea.

WORK CITED INFORMATION: Jan.1, 1999: A&E Television Networks Sept.4, 1998: Larry Page Jan.15, 2001: Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger Feb.14, 2005: Steven Chen and Chad Hurley--- Google Inc.

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